Ajinkya Shinde

Invenzee Technologies Pvt Ltd | Unique Product development

Mantra I live by :

You create your own fate!

Product/Services Offered


Tell us about your business journey

I started my Startup journey in 2020, but since 2018 I've been a part of the business ecosystem. In the pandemic itself I have successfully executed 2 start-ups with steady revenue of a 6 digit figure. The most important part is I get to learn something everyday!


What motivated you to become a Skillpreneur?

Problem solving is one of my attributes which doesn't let me stay put for even a day, so I live a constant learning life with solving problems and acquiring skills that are required.


How did you know when you had the right idea?

The Right idea isn't when all the statistics are right or the survey is in your favor and many more such reasons. When I believed that my idea can create a positive change and I believed 101% in its cause that's when I knew it's the right idea.


What is your favorite aspect of being a Skillpreneur?

The favourite aspect of being a Skillpreneur is that you define your limits. When to stop and when to just keep going.


Share any interesting experience after becoming a Skillpreneur.

After execution of the idea when a random customer gave a positive feedback that's when it felt like I've done something good for the society.


What makes your business unique?

We are India's first research based Startup focusing on problem statements to develop innovative and patentable solutions which should have real-world applications.


What are some of the mistakes you wished you could've avoided?

There are many mistakes that could have been avoided by me but we learn from our mistakes so I believe whatever happened taught me a lesson in some form to make me a better person.


How do you achieve work-life balance?

A timetable! However old school this may sound it still works just as fine. I have devoted hours for everything work, college, family and friends.


What advice would you give someone who is interested in starting their own business?

There will be more Failures than success in terms of quantity but the Quality of that one Success beats every failure that you've ever experienced. So never give up!